Clutterers Anonymous World Service Organization, Inc. (CLA WSO) is a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation. The purpose of the bylaws is to define CLA WSO’s name, objective, members, officers, meetings, committees and intergroups, Parliamentary authority, and amendment. The Bylaws Committee drafts, revises, and files the corporate bylaws. The CLA Fellowship reviews, recommends any revisions, and approves them. Original and 2016 Versions are at the bottom of the page.



Note: 5/30/20. An update to the 2017-2018 Revised and Approved Articles was voted on and approved [Abstentions: None. Opposed: None. Motion passed unanimously] at the May 30, 2020 WSO meeting; but, is not yet incorporated into the appropriate section of the bylaws. The final motion was as follows:
The CLA Bylaws will be changed to make it acceptable for international meetings to use their own translations or software translations until fellowship-approved translations are available, with the stipulation that the groups include a note that this is an unapproved translation until approved translations are available from the CLA-WSO fellowship.


Note2: 6/26/21 A motion to change Public Information from an Officer position to a Committee was voted on and approved at the June 26, 2021 WSO meeting. Though the motion was not  made as a motion to change the Bylaws, it is anticipated that it will be approved as part of the bylaws update currently in progress (10/12/21). The motion from the Public Information Officer was as follows:

Jane from CA made a motion to change the Public Information Officer position to a Public Information Committee. The motion was seconded by Marge from NC. Discussion ensued. There were no objections, so the motion passed by general consent.

Note3: 3/26/22 An update to the 2017-2018 Revised and Approved Articles was voted on and approved [Abstentions: One. Opposed: Three. Motion passed by general consent] at the March 26, 2022 CLA WSO meeting; but, is not yet incorporated into the appropriate section of the bylaws. The motion is as follows:

Motion to add a new section at the end of Article VI of the CLA-WSO By-laws


To the maximum extent permitted by the New Jersey Revised Statutes and in accordance with the provisions of such law, CLA WSO may indemnify each of its past and present trustees, officers, employees and other agents against expenses, judgments, fines, settlements, and other amounts actually and reasonably incurred in connection with any proceeding arising by reason of the fact that any such person is or was an agent of CLA WSO, and shall advance to each such agent expenses incurred in defending any such proceeding to the maximum extent permitted by that law.   For purposes of this Article, an “agent” of CLA WSO includes any person who is or was a trustee, officer, employee, or other agent of CLA WSO, or is or was serving at the request of the CLA WSO as trustee, officer, employee, or agent of another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust, or other enterprise, or was a director, officer, employee, or agent of a corporation which was a predecessor corporation of CLA WSO or of another enterprise serving at the request of such predecessor corporation.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Article VI, CLA WSO shall not be required to indemnify any past or present trustee to the extent that the matter to be indemnified against is covered by insurance purchased by CLA WSO.


Previous Versions of CLA WSO Bylaws