Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Feb 17 2023 - Nov 27 2023
- Time: All Day
Commitment Line
Time: Typically 24/7 (except 10:00 AM ET)
Note: The number shown below is the new phone number beginning 9/15/21.
U.S. Dial-in Phone Number: (605)468-8826
Mute: ✶6 / Unmute: ✶6
This line is affiliated with the Victories and Goals activity session held at 9:45 am ET daily.
Very brief, 30-40 second, commitments for the coming half hour beginning promptly on the top and bottom of the hour. Members remain quietly on the call until everyone finishes before quickly hanging up to complete commitments off-line. Example of “top of the hour,” is 3:00; “bottom of the hour,” 3:30.