Service helps us carry the message. The committees shall work with the Executive Committee to help perform the various functions and activities of CLA WSO. Doing service is one of the Tools of Recovery. We encourage everyone to take advantage of opportunities to help develop and strengthen the CLA℠ Fellowship. To inquire about particular service opportunities, Contact Us. All CLA members are needed and welcome.

Committee meetings dates and times are shown on the calendar on the NEW Calendar of Events page.


Standing Committees of WSO include, but are not limited to:

Bylaws Committee

The Bylaws Committee formulates and reviews the regulations by which the World Service Organization operates. The bylaws are a legal document.

CLArity Committee

Meetings every Monday
CLArity is an eight-page quarterly newsletter produced by CLA members, written by both committee members and others in the Fellowship. It is supported by subscriptions and 7th Tradition contributions. The purpose of CLArity is to educate and inform readers about CLA and act as a forum where members may share experience, strength, and hope.

Convention Committee

Meetings vary
The Convention Committee plans and implements the CLA convention usually held in the fall.

Executive Committee

Meets: 2nd Friday of month (closed meeting)
The Executive Committee consists of WSO officers, committee chairpersons, and intergroup chairpersons. The purpose of the Executive Committee is to address specific concerns critical to the functioning of CLA.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is responsible for establishing a budget for Clutterers Anonymous World Service Organization, Inc.. The committee also develops, implements, and oversees policies and procedures in all matters concerning the finances of CLA WSO. It allocates funds to the various committees based on their requests and the available funds of CLA WSO. It works with CLA WSO to help increase financial support from individuals, groups, and intergroups, within the guidelines of the 12 Traditions of CLA. The Committee prepares an annual financial report.

IT Committee

Meetings Vary
The IT Committee is responsible for working with CLA WSO, its committees, and the Fellowship at large to establish, develop, maintain, and oversee CLA’s presence on the Internet. It provides current information about CLA to the public, to our members, and to those who might need CLA. The committee reviews content to assure that it follows the guidelines of the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions. The website is maintained by a webmaster under the direction of the IT Committee. Because of the technical nature of the IT Committee, some technical knowledge about the Internet/websites or working skill with web management software is a plus.

Literature Committee

Meets: 3rd Friday of month
The Literature Committee is responsible for creating, reviewing, and editing literature that is submitted for Fellowship approval. Its function is to facilitate the expression of our Fellowship’s experience, strength, and hope through the writing of material for distribution. The Literature Committee oversees the approval and publication processes and works with the WSO and its committees to prepare Fellowship-approved literature for final publication.

Contact for details on subcommittee and workgroup activities for this committee.

The Literature Committee has a subcommittee, the Graphic Representations Subcommittee that will be developing symbols to represent some of the more difficult or confusing terms used in CLA literature. Because these words are difficult to translate, a picture will be created to help people understand the meaning of each word. The subcommittee would especially like to invite members from other countries and members who are artistic to join this subcommittee.

Graphic Representations meets 2nd Mondays of each month at 6:00 PM ET on Zoom. For more information, contact

Group Registration Committee

Meets: 1st Saturday of month
The Registration Committee keeps directories of meetings and activity sessions up-to-date by processing registration forms.   Responds to inquiries about access to meetings  when they receive your e-mail request at

Public Information Committee

(A motion to change PI from Officer to Committee passed at 6/26/21 WSO meeting. The change not reflected in the Bylaws yet.)
Meets: 2nd Sunday of month
“The Public Information Committee is responsible for providing information to the public regarding CLA to enable the still suffering clutterer to find us. We do this in a manner that is in alignment with the 12 Traditions, especially the 11th Tradition. Public Information (P.I.) means carrying the message of recovery to the still-suffering clutterer by informing the general public about the CLA program.”

Contact for details on subcommittee and workgroup activities for this committee.
