2024 Clutter-Free Day – Saturday October 5th
Clutter-Free Day Registrations are now closed.
Important Details :
In person attendance can be purchased day of event at the door ($30).
Virtual attendees watch your email for your Event Program and Zoom link.
Now you can download and listen to these inspiring talks from our Clutter-Free Days:
Select one or more of the following talks to download in MP3 format. The cost for each talk is $3, or treat yourself to an entire annual set for only $18 —a $3 savings.
Looking for a Meeting?
Click here for CLA-East meetings directory list.
For additional CLA meetings, visit the Clutterers Anonymous website.
We look forward to connecting with you! Welcome!
CLA-EAST can be contacted at:
184 South Livingston Avenue
Suite 9-203
Livingston, NJ 07039
(866) 800-3881
Clutterers Anonymous World Service Organization, Inc. can be contacted at their website: