What’s in a name? CLA? CLA WSO?
Next Meeting:
Saturday, February 22nd, 2025
1:00pm – 2:30pm ET
Due to the fact that this is a CLA WSO business meeting, it will be a requirement that those attending identify themselves.
NOTE: Please arrive 30 minutes early (12:30pm ET). CLA WSO’s meeting attendance policy requires all attendees to remain in the Waiting Room until they are identified with their role in this month’s business meeting.
The host will rename you while you are in the waiting room.
One of these letters in front of your name will designate your role in this month’s business meeting.
· D for Delegate
· Z for General Member
· E for Executive Committee Member
Example for a delegate’s name is “D – Name, Group Name.”
Zoom meeting information
Click here to see the AIR Form Submissions Log
What Is CLA WSO?
The purpose of CLA WSO is to provide services that are necessary for the Clutterers Anonymous fellowship to function. It is a nonprofit corporation based on the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions of CLA℠.
Members of the CLA WSO Executive Committee consist of officers, service committee chairpersons, and intergroup liaisons.
General Meetings
All Clutterers Anonymous℠ fellowship members are welcome to attend. Only group delegates and Executive Committee members may vote.
Meetings are usually held from:
- 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Pacific Time
- 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time
on the fourth Saturday of every month unless there is a holiday or convention. All times are for the United States.
General Meeting Protocols
The monthly CLA WSO General Meetings are conducted according to adapted Robert’s Rules of Order and the standing protocol rules below apply.
Standing Protocol
- General Meetings are open to all Clutterers Anonymous℠ fellowship members. Anyone present may speak when acknowledged by the CLA WSO chairperson. However, only CLA WSO officers, committee chairpersons, and group delegates may vote on measures brought to the floor. (Click to download excel file of motions.)
- The chairperson will ask at the beginning of the meeting if anyone has any new business items to add to the agenda.
- After a motion has been made and seconded, the chairperson will do the following:
- Announce that the discussion time is now open.
- Ask that members identify themselves by name if they wish to speak on the motion.
- Call on each identified member in rotation to speak on the topic or pass if their point has already been made.
- An identified member may speak for two to three minutes to question a motion only after being recognized by the chairperson.
- Those speaking will keep their remarks brief, concise, and on topic, without repeating what others have said. However, those speaking may say that they agree or disagree with previous comments.
- Indicate when you have completed your comment by saying a word or two like “Pass,” “I’m done,” or “Thank you.”
- An individual may not speak on a motion more than once, unless everyone wishing to speak on the motion has exercised his or her opportunity to do so within the allotted time.
- Meeting attendees will refrain from interrupting others.
- No CLA member should disparage others or make inflammatory remarks. One of the founding elements of 12-Step programs is principles before personalities.
- Generally, no more than 15 minutes of discussion time will be allowed on any item. There will be a 5 minute warning. If the matter is not completed at the end of the 15 minutes, it will be considered unfinished business that is to be brought back during the next CLA WSO meeting. The CLA WSO chairperson may extend the time limit, if warranted.
- All proceedings shall be governed by the adapted Robert’s Rules of Order, except when in conflict with the 12 Traditions, bylaws, policies and procedures, and/or standing protocols.