Face-to-face and phone meeting members are encouraged to make 7th Tradition contributions to CLA WSO.

Contribute to Clutterers Anonymous World Service Organization, Inc. (CLA WSO)
For contributions to CLA WSO collected from group members:

  1. Fill in the name of the Group Making the Contribution.

        Group Making Contribution:

  1. Click the Add to Cart button below.
  2. When the “Your Shopping Cart” page appears, adjust the dollar amount.



For contributions to CLA WSO from individuals:

  1. If desired, fill in meeting you would like referenced. Note: This is a contribution to CLA WSO, not to the meeting named.
        Meeting(s) you would like to mention?:

  1. Click the Add to Cart button.
  2. When the “Your Shopping Cart” page appears, adjust the dollar amount.



Individual   To make a recurring individual contribution to CLA WSO click here.


View Cart

Mailing Address for
Checks and Bank Drafts
in U.S. Currency

184 South Livingston Avenue
Suite 9-203
Livingston, NJ 07039

Note: Mailed contributions take longer to process than online contributions.

Reasons to Contribute to Clutterers Anonymous World Service Organization, Inc. (CLA WSO℠):

  • No dues or fees are required for CLA membership.
  • CLA is self-supporting through its own contributions.
  • CLA neither solicits nor accepts outside contributions.
  • Contributions are one way for members to support our Fellowship.
  • Contributions and sales help defray costs and ensure the continued existence of the Clutterers Anonymous Fellowship (by supporting CLA WSO) and the services it provides.

How Contributions Are Used:

  • Literature
  • Printing
  • Meeting Starter Kits
  • Meeting Directories
  • CD Duplications
  • Website
  • Webmaster
  • Phone Service
  • Postage
  • Post Office Box Rental
  • 501(c)3 and NJ Annual Filings
  • Incorporation and Legal Fees
  • Regional Events
  • Office Supplies & Software
  • New for 2023: Literature Assistance

Individual Contributions
Individual members, please limit your contributions to $3,000 per year. CLA WSO will accept a bequest in any amount from the will of a deceased member.

Group Contributions
It is customary for groups to distribute balances in excess of expenses and prudent reserves to the local Intergroup and to Clutterers Anonymous World Service Organization, Inc. (CLA WSO). The 60/40 Plan makes it possible to reach clutterers beyond their doors and between meetings. We suggest the following customary distribution split be made whenever it suits each group’s needs, monthly or quarterly:

  • 60% – to your local Intergroup
  • 40% – to Clutterers Anonymous World Service Organization, Inc. (CLA WSO); if there is no Intergroup, then the suggestion is 100%

Recurring Contributions
You may find it convenient to set up recurring contributions to CLA WSO. Use the link above to use PayPal or check with your bank for specific instructions about Bill Pay or other recurring payment methods.

The Board has expressed the sincere appreciation to ALL groups and members who contribute, no matter how much or how little.


Clutterers Anonymous World Service Organization, Inc. (CLA WSO) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Contributions to CLA WSO are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.