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Tradition 3 states, “The only requirement for CLA membership is a desire to stop cluttering.
CLA is a spiritual program, based on the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous®. We believe that we are powerless over our clutter and that our recovery comes when we surrender the self-will which has brought us to our desperation. We then turn our life and our will over to a Higher Power, a power greater than ourselves. We each choose how to define Higher Power. All clutterers, whether they are religious, spiritual, agnostics, or atheists, are welcome at CLA. Tradition 3 states, “The only requirement for CLA membership is a desire to stop cluttering.
Clutterers Anonymous℠ is not a substance-based program, so there has been controversy over whether there can be abstinence. Each person has a unique definition of recovery from clutter or hoarding derived from introspection, help from his or her Higher Power, a sponsor, or buddy. From “Measuring Progress on Our Journey in Recovery” leaflet.
See Contact Us.
We suggest that people attend our face-to-face meetings, phone meetings, and/or phone activity sessions. There, you can meet and possibly exchange phone numbers with other clutterers. Is CLA for You? A Newcomer’s Guide to Recovery states, “Many of us found it helpful to attend at least six CLA meetings before deciding whether Clutterers Anonymous was for us.” If there is no meeting in your area, you can Start a Meeting.
Typically, meetings open with one of the CLA serenity prayers. There is no attendance taken at meetings. No one is required to speak. Members may share their experience, strength, and hope about decluttering. We do not permit crosstalk. To protect anonymity, we ask all visitors and members to adhere to “What you see here, what you hear here, when you leave here, let it stay here.” Meetings may use different formats so, if possible, we recommend you try different meetings to find the ones that work best for you. Some meetings have speakers, for example, while others discuss CLA literature or study the 12 Steps and/or 12 Traditions. The group conscience of each meeting determines its practices such as where they meet, what they do at meetings, and whether they offer refreshments. Opportunities to be of service or volunteer often exist at meetings and help our recovery. Our 7th Tradition states, “Every CLA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.” Consequently, meetings usually include a request for 7th Tradition contributions. Usually, meetings end after reciting another CLA serenity prayer.
CLA offers face-to-face, phone, and virtual meetings in addition to phone activity sessions. Meetings may be open to everyone or closed (open only to clutterers). Different meetings follow different formats. Some discuss CLA or A.A.® literature, some do 12-Step study, some have CLA speakers, some do writing, and some have prayer circles.
We don’t keep inquiries or make referrals. Start a meeting by ordering the CLA Meeting Starter Kit available in our CLA store or getting a free download. Among other things, it suggests ways to attract people to your meeting.
Every CLA meeting was started by someone who needed a meeting close to them. See Start a Meeting. Attend phone meetings, and phone activity sessions.
See Start a Meeting.
The meeting’s members elect officers such as meeting leader (secretary or chair), treasurer, delegate to World Service, literature person, and, if appropriate, a CLA-East Intergroup representative. Giving service to the Fellowship is part of our recovery. It gives us a chance to pay back what we have been freely given. Tradition 2 states, "Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern." If a weekly meeting, a six-month term for officers is suggested. If a monthly meeting, a year. Rotation of officers is healthy because it prevents burnout and gives members a chance to be of service and pay back what they have received.
We can’t guarantee anonymity but do ask that all meeting attendees respect the confidentiality and anonymity of all Clutterers Anonymous members. You can inform members about anonymity by putting up a sign where members can see it and/or reading a statement saying: “WHAT YOU SEE HERE, WHAT YOU HEAR HERE, WHEN YOU LEAVE HERE, LET IT STAY HERE.”
CLA has a wonderful variety of leaflets and booklets, many of which are available for immediate download. We also have a book titled Ten Years of CLArity which is a compilation of articles reprinted from the Spring 2007 through the Holiday 2016 issues of CLArity, CLA's printed quarterly newsletter. Although CLA does not have a text book equivalent to those found in some other 12-step organizations, we are fortunate to have permission to use A.A.® Literature such as Alcoholics Anonymous® (The Big Book®) and Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions as guides. About CLA use of A.A.® Literature.
CLA has our Tools of Recovery that help us achieve and maintain physical, emotional, and spiritual sobriety. We also have a leaflet called “Spiritual Timing” that deals with time clutter. CLA does not promote any particular decluttering plan or organizing skills.
No. The “basic four” is from an outside source. According to Tradition 6, CLA cannot endorse it.
No, CLA does not operate a chat room of any type at this time. This is the only official CLA WSO website. Other local meetings and intergroups may have their own websites.
We have Phone Activity Sessions that allow participants to make decluttering commitments, focus actions, report victories, and find buddies. Depending on the individuals, some buddies may help each other with physical clutter.
Yes. "Sponsors are CLA members who are committed to recovery through the 12 Steps and the 12 Traditions." A Step Sponsor leads us through the 12 Steps of recovery. Tools of Recovery states, "Choosing a sponsor involves going to several meetings to find someone with whom we can identify–someone who has the type of recovery that we want." A new booklet called Sponsorship in Clutterers Anonymous can be ordered in the CLA store.
We also have Buddies. Tools of Recovery states, "Buddies are CLA members and helpmates in recovery. We may call them with our daily plan or ask them for help with a project."
For additional information you can attend a monthly co-sponsorship networking event held the 1st Saturday of the month.
No. Speakers must be CLA members. They share how they used the CLA program to recover and their experience, strength, and hope. Subject to Tradition 6, there is no promotion of personal enterprises, businesses, or affiliations outside CLA. With the exception of A.A.® literature, only CLA-approved literature is to be used at CLA meetings.
No. Tradition 6 states, “A CLA group ought never endorse, finance, or lend the Clutterers Anonymous℠ name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property, or prestige divert us from our primary purpose.” We do not mention any non-CLA-approved literature or outside enterprises, which include books, tapes, workshops, websites, authors, public speakers, consultants, broadcasts, trademarked products or systems, and the like.
Keep up to date by checking the Fellowship Announcements page.
CLA offers the following face-to-face events:
- CLA convention: two-day recovery event that consists of CLA speakers, panels, workshops, recovery meetings, fellowship, some meals, and entertainment
- CLA-East Intergroup's Clutter-Free Day: day-long, regional recovery event that consists of CLA speakers, workshops, and fellowship
- Other Clutter-Free Days: when possible at other locations
CLA also offers Declutterthons℠, holiday-weekend, phone-based events that consist of qualification speakers and activity sessions.
Friends & Family
There are no CLA-sanctioned 12-Step groups for friends or family of clutterers at this time. For suggestions, see our “For Non-Clutterers” page.
- Work on your own attitude first. Go to a CLA open meeting. Read our literature. Work the 12 Steps. Accept that cluttering is an addiction just as real as alcohol.
- Realize that the cluttering is not meant to annoy and would be the same (probably worse) if you weren’t there.
- Make sure your interest is compassionate.
- The more you accept clutterers as they are, the more you show that you care about their welfare, the more they become willing to change.
- Don't expect instant change. Their way of coping by cluttering may be all they know.
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