Purchase CLA literature at our CLA store.

CLA℠ Literature

The CLA℠ Literature Committee creates, oversees the approval of, and assists in the publication of all CLA Fellowship-approved literature.

Our literature serves:

At this time, all of our literature is in English only.


A.A.® Literature

Clutterers Anonymous℠ uses only its own Fellowship-approved literature and that of Alcoholics Anonymous® in meetings.

Why Do We Read A.A.® Literature at CLA℠ Meetings?

Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) is the originator of 12-Step programs. Furthermore, Clutterers Anonymous (CLA) is modeled after A.A., which has over 70 years’ history of success in helping alcoholics recover from their addiction.

As a Fellowship, CLA realizes that A.A. has valuable experience and wisdom of those who have gone before us. Therefore, CLA supports the use of A.A.’s literature to fill the gap in our own Fellowship-approved literature.

We read A.A. literature to understand our own compulsive behavior and thinking. A.A. literature shows us how A.A. members have successfully used the 12 Steps for their individual recovery. They used the 12 Traditions to develop and protect their Fellowship. CLA finds that these 12 Traditions are vital to the growth, unity, development, and protection of our Fellowship.

Why Do We Study A.A. Literature?

We study the literature of A.A., as a group and individually, to strengthen our understanding of our addiction. We can identify with many of the circumstances described within by substituting the words “clutter,” “cluttering,” and “clutterer” for “alcohol,” “drinking,” and “alcoholic.”

What Types of A.A. Literature Do We Use?

CLA members find reading and studying A.A. literature is beneficial in supporting our personal recovery and helps us understand the program.

Some of the main resources are:

  • Alcoholics Anonymous® (the book commonly known as The Big Book®)
  • Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions (the book commonly known as the 12 & 12
  • “Questions & Answers on Sponsorship” (pamphlet)
  • Daily reading and meditation books:
    • Daily Reflections
    • As Bill Sees It
  • “Came to Believe” (booklet)
  • The A.A. Service Manual Combined with Twelve Concepts for World Service (book)
  • The books listed below, which relate to the history of A.A.:
    • A.A. Comes of Age
    • Pass It On
  • Doctor Bob and the Good Oldtimers

Where Can You Obtain A.A. Literature?

CLA WSO does not stock A.A. literature; however, we recommend that local groups have some of the above-mentioned A.A. literature available for sale to their members.

A.A. literature may be obtained from its local open meetings. If it is not available there, you may obtain it from its local intergroup or central offices located all over the country, many places abroad, and the A.A. General Service Office in New York. Check your local telephone directory for A.A.’s phone number. Hard copies can be purchased; electronic copies may be available for review on the internet.

What Types of Literature Do We Use in CLA?

Clutterers Anonymous uses only its own Fellowship-approved literature and that of Alcoholics Anonymous. By reading Tradition 6✶ in the A.A. Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, you will gain a better understanding of why CLA follows this suggestion.
✶”An A.A. group ought never endorse, finance, or lend the A.A. name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property, and prestige divert us from our primary purpose.”

A.A., Alcoholics Anonymous, and The Big Book are registered trademarks or service marks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.

CLA groups have permission to copy this page only for distribution to their members.