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To select a specific type of meeting, click on “Meeting Type” dropdown and choose. Alternatively, search by entering a specific event name in the search field. Once the item(s) appear, click on the desired meeting for details including time in your local time zone and the group’s contact for Zoom access information. Default view is daily. You can also select monthly, weekly, and list views. “ONGOING” identifies meetings currently in session.

Phone and Zoom meetings: always appear in U.S. Eastern time (ET)
Face-to-Face meetings: always appear in the time zone of the meeting’s physical location.

Monthly Weekly Daily List

2025 February

CLA offers a variety of meetings and some are better attended than others. Some members prefer smaller, more intimate meetings which allow for more individual sharing. Some prefer the energy and diversity of attendees in the larger meetings. Please sample several and you will find one that suits you.

Meetings in this list are:

  • Believed to be active and agreed or requested to be listed
  • Registered with CLA World Service Organization, Inc. (CLA WSO)
  • Not to be used for commercial ventures or solicitation
  • Neither approved nor endorsed by CLA WSO for their autonomous business dealings and implementation of the CLA program
  • Unless noted as Closed; meetings are considered Open.



We ask that you respect our volunteer moderators and all attendees; do not interrupt them or give directions. This will help ensure well-functioning and effective meetings. Thank you! Please familiarize yourself with: