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Notes about Our Shopping Cart
Store Information
  • All prices include shipping fees.
  • The larger the quantity, the lower the price per unit.
  • Our Leaflet Pack is a better value than four assorted leaflets.
  • Click the Add to Cart button so you can specify a quantity or amount (USD).
  • In the cart, click the Check out with PayPal button to pay with PayPal, a debit or credit card. CLA℠ neither endorses nor supports any product or enterprise.
  • appears on all receipts.
  • We don’t automatically add customers to our email list. To subscribe, click here.
  • For additional information including delivery times please see Store Policies at the bottom of the page.
  • REMINDER- CLA leaflets are available in electronic format for download to desktops, laptops, tablets, or smart phones and accessed at Electronic Versions for Download.
U.S.P.S. Mail

As an alternative to our secure online store, you can mail checks with orders and contributions. Note: Mail orders take longer to fill than online orders. For questions email:


CLA Recovery Literature

REMINDER – CLA leaflets are available in electronic format for download to desktops, laptops, tablets, or smart phones and accessed at Electronic Versions for Download.

Hard Copy Literature – mailed
NEW CLA Literature Collection (Printed Book Version of Newcomer's Pack)



Click on the CLA Literature Collection link below to go to the ordering page.



.CLA Literature Collection  - a fully-indexed 125-page book now available as print-on-demand for $7.50 plus shipping.


  1. Is CLA for You? A Newcomer’s Guide to Recovery booklet
  2. Sponsorship in Clutterers Anonymous booklet
  3. Each of the following leaflets:

This book consists of previously published leaflets, booklets, and select pages from the “CLA Meeting Starter Kit,” printed in their entirety. Duplications will be found because each one is complete in its own right—except for the “Responsibility Pledge,” which is printed once on the back cover.

Also available as a pdf file for immediate download.

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Newcomer's Pack - Leaflet Pack and 2 Booklets

Newcomer's Pack

Item # LPBU

$11.00 / leaflet pack + 2 booklets


  1. U.S. domestic postage
  2. One (1) copy of Is CLA for You? A Newcomer’s Guide to Recovery booklet
  3. One (1) copy of Sponsorship in Clutterers Anonymous booklet
  4. One (1) copy of each of the following leaflets:

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Prices are valid for U.S.A. destinations only. See our other stores for other destinations.   Add to Cart   View Cart

Leaflet Pack - Full Set of 9 (same leaflets as Newcomer's Pack)

Leaflet Pack

Item # LPU

$4.85 / set of 9 leaflets

The cart automatically applies the following discounts after you change the quantity and click the Update Cart button:
10-19 are $2.25 each
20-29 are $2.10 each
30-39 are $2.00 each
40-49 are $1.95 each
50 or more are $1.90 each


  1. U.S. domestic postage
  2. Copy/copies of each of the following leaflets:

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Prices are valid for U.S.A. destinations only. See our other stores for other destinations.   Add to Cart   View Cart

A Brief Guide (Leaflet)

A Brief Guide Leaflet

Item # L01U and # L0110U

Quantity and Price:


  1. U.S. domestic postage
  2. CLA: A Brief Guide (blue) leaflet

This leaflet contains some of the core literature used in Clutterers Anonymous℠: Preamble, How Do I Know If I Am a Clutterer?, Tools of Recovery, The 12 Steps, and The 12 Traditions.

Prices are valid for U.S.A. destinations only. See our other stores for other destinations. View Cart

Declutter Your Mind (Leaflet)

Declutter Your Mind Leaflet

Item # L04U and # L0410U

Quantity and Price:


  1. U.S. domestic postage
  2. Declutter Your Mind (green) leaflet

This leaflet provides strategies towards healing mind clutter. Excerpt: "Often our minds are filled with trivia; we fail to recognize what is really important. We cannot find serenity because our thought processes are clogged with self-defeating, irrelevant ideas. Or we are overwhelmed by endless distractions. "Our minds, which should be attuned to inner guidance, are diverted by maintenance chores or sorting through too many choices. If we are disorganized, even more time is lost. No matter whether our clutter is orderly or not, it means we are wasting precious thought power."

Prices are valid for U.S.A. destinations only. See our other stores for other destinations. View Cart

Decluttering Resentment: Steps 4-10 (Leaflet)

Decluttering Resentment, Steps 4-10 Leaflet

Item # L03U and # L0310U

Quantity and Price:


  1. U.S. domestic postage
  2. Decluttering Resentment, Steps 4-10 (pink) leaflet

This leaflet gives strategies on working the Steps, healing grudges, and rewards of recovery.

Excerpt: “Just as clutter consumes our physical space, resentment consumes our minds. Just as we can't relinquish unneeded items, we're unable to forgive injustices.

"A grudge is frozen hurt and disappointment, a festering emotional injury that never heals. It keeps us stuck in the past, repeating the same angry thoughts. Resentment is collecting and storing injustices, making us unable to get outside ourselves and be compassionate. Whoever or whatever we resent controls us by limiting our ability to love, including loving ourselves. Even if we don’t believe the person is worthy of our loving thoughts, we are. Once we understand the high price of nursing grudges, we become eager to transcend them, no matter how difficult the healing process."

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Finding Your Life Purpose (Leaflet)

Finding Your Life Purpose Leaflet

Item # L05U and # L0510U

Quantity and Price:


  1. U.S. domestic postage
  2. Finding Your Life Purpose (orange) leaflet

This leaflet explains how clutter prevents us from reaching our full potential until we achieve clarity.

Excerpt: "For much of our lives, the burden of clutter has kept us from using our God-given talents. Useless objects, non-supportive relationships, and busywork have eaten up our time and energy. The clutter fog of unfinished thoughts, trivia, and worry has made us forget our early dreams, hopes, and visions.

"The more we live our dreams, the sooner we detach from our clutter. Clutter has been a means of comforting ourselves for not being able to live fully. At the same time, the more we declutter, the more we realize that what’s left are those items and activities central to our vision. Living the vision and decluttering are two halves of the same process of finding our life purpose. Each part reinforces the other."

Prices are valid for U.S.A. destinations only. See our other stores for other destinations. View Cart

Home: Our Sacred Place (Leaflet)

Home: Our Sacred Place Leaflet

Item # L06U and # L0610U

Quantity and Price:


  1. U.S. domestic postage
  2. Home: Our Sacred Place (lavender) leaflet

This leaflet identifies ways to convert your nightmare into a nurturing home.

Excerpt: “Home is a physical place, but it can also be a spiritual one—a feeling of being at ease with ourselves no matter where we are. If we lack self-acceptance, the most beautiful house is not a true home.

"When we think of redoing our homes, we often harbor unrealistic ideas. Comparing our home to showplaces makes us feel hopeless and leads to paralysis. How can we change our booby-trapped, clutter-filled house into a nurturing home? How can we transform our attitude of shame and resentment toward our home to one of love and gratitude?

"As our thinking changes, we start expecting something better. As we awaken from our clutter fog, we notice the rotting groceries by the front door, the “goat paths,” the booby traps, the closets we can’t open, the non-working plumbing. We have lived with these indignities for so long that they’ve become invisible. This new awareness can be painful, yet unless we see the problem, we can’t correct it."

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Measuring Progress on Our Journey in Recovery (Leaflet)

Measuring Progress on Our Journey in Recovery Leaflet

Item # L09U and # L0910U

Quantity and Price:


  1. U.S. domestic postage
  2. Measuring Progress on Our Journey in Recovery (tan) leaflet

The purpose of the leaflet is to address physical, emotional, and spiritual cluttering and hoarding. We do this by listing behaviors and habits that affect our cluttering so we may better track our progress and understand how these behaviors and habits help or hinder us in our recovery.

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Recovery from Cluttering: The 12 Steps of Clutterers Anonymous℠ (Leaflet)

Recovery from Cluttering: The 12 Steps of Clutterers Anonymous Leaflet

Item # L02U and # L0210U

Quantity and Price:


  1. U.S. domestic postage
  2. Recovery from Cluttering: The 12 Steps of Clutterers Anonymous (yellow) leaflet

This leaflet contains What Is Clutter? and discusses the Steps, as they specifically apply in addressing clutter.

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Spiritual Timing (Leaflet)

Spiritual Timing Leaflet

Item # L07U and # L0710U

Quantity and Price:


  1. U.S. domestic postage
  2. Spiritual Timing (ivory) leaflet

This leaflet discusses divine order, time management, and regaining a spiritual connection.

Excerpt: “All clutter wastes time. Unnecessary objects and unhealthy relationships take maintenance. Here, the focus is time clutter, which is caused by unfulfilled emotional and spiritual needs.

"Because we believed our problem was poor time management, many of us consulted experts. We hoped they’d show us how we could gain more time by becoming more efficient, but this proved counterproductive. Organizing, when used rightly, is valuable; however, our self-will only encouraged our greed and expanded our time clutter. We filled the time saved with even more activities, and the result was less time.

"Our lifelong problem wasn’t time scarcity; it was lack of spiritual connection. We had tried to manage time, an impossible task. Clock time is incomplete and divine time is beyond our comprehension. By using rest, availability, receptivity, emergence, and recognition, we cooperate with spiritual timing. We let the Master Artist sculpt us anew with each divine appointment. Our Higher Power is now our time manager."

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Welcome (Leaflet)

Welcome Leaflet

Item # L08U and # L0810U

Quantity and Price:


  1. U.S. domestic postage
  2. Welcome (dark yellow) leaflet

This leaflet has a questionnaire on How Do I Know If I Am a Clutterer? It also explains how Clutterers Anonymous got started and what it has to offer you.

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Is CLA for You? A Newcomer's Guide to Recovery (Booklet)

Is CLA for You? Newcomer's Guide to Recovery

Item #L80U, #L90U, #L95U, and #L99U

Quantity and Price:


  1. U.S. domestic postage costs
  2. "Is CLA for You? A Newcomer's Guide to Recovery" booklet – 28-page booklet


  • Welcome, Newcomer
  • Am I a Clutterer?
  • You Are Not Alone
  • What You Can Do
  • What Is Clutterers Anonymous?
  • About Recovery
  • About Meetings
  • More About the Program
  • Appendix A: The 12 Steps of Clutterers Anonymous
  • Appendix B: The 12 Traditions of Clutterers Anonymous
  • Appendix C: CLA Tools of Recovery
  • Appendix D: Recovery Affirmations
  • Appendix E: Recovery Slogans and Serenity Prayers
  • Appendix F: CLA Literature
  • Appendix G: A.A.® Literature as a Recovery Resource

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Sponsorship in Clutterers Anonymous (Booklet)

Sponsorship in Clutterers Anonymous

Item #L100U, #L10010U, #L10020U, and #L10050U

Quantity and Price:


  1. U.S. domestic postage costs
  2. "Sponsorship in Clutterers Anonymous" booklet – 20-page booklet

Prices are valid for U.S.A. destinations only. See our other stores for other destinations. View Cart


Literature for Professionals
Introducing Clutterers Anonymous℠ to Professionals (Leaflet)

Professionals Leaflet

Item # L60U and # L609U

Quantity and Price:

  1. U.S. domestic postage
  2. ENU-41: "Introducing Clutterers Anonymous to Professionals" (gray) leaflet

Most of the content comes from:

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For Groups

If you don’t need the included leaflets and booklets, the Starter Kit readings and meeting formats can be downloaded at Electronic Versions for Download.

For Groups! CLA Meeting Starter Kit
CLA Meeting Starter Kit

CLA Meeting Starter Kit

Item # SKU



  1. U.S. domestic postage
  2. Everything needed to start a meeting:

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7th Tradition Contributions
7th Tradition Contributions for Clutterers Anonymous World Service Organization, Inc.


Click the thumbnail to read a sample edition from spring 2014. We hope this sample gives you an idea about our informative and interesting quarterly newsletter.

CLArity Newsletter (Spring 2014)

CLArity Newsletter & Books
NEW The Next Five Years of CLArity (Book)


The Next Five Years of CLArity 270 page book contains Articles from the Spring 2017 through the Holiday 2021 issues of CLArity, CLA's printed quarterly newsletter.

Click link below to go to the ordering page.




Five Years of CLArity now available as print-on-demand for $14 plus shipping.

Ten Years of CLArity (Book)


Ten Years of CLArity 300+ page book contains Articles from the Spring 2007 through the Holiday 2016 issues of CLArity, CLA's printed quarterly newsletter.

Click link below to go to the ordering page..


Ten Years of CLArity  now available as print-on-demand for $17 plus shipping. 

CLArity Subscription (Printed CLA newsletter)

Item #NS-1U and #NS-2U


  1. U.S. domestic postage costs
  2. One-year subscription includes four (4) print issues
  3. Two-year subscription includes eight (8) print issues

Sent in discreet packaging.

Number of Years:
.Gift Recipient's Name and Address, if applicable:
..Prices are valid for U.S.A. destinations only. See our other stores for other destinations.      View Cart.

eCLArity, the electronic version of the CLArity newsletter, can be purchased separately.

eCLArity Subscription (Electronic version of CLArity)

Item # NeS-1 and # NeS-2


  1. One-year subscription includes four (4) digital issues
  2. Two-year subscription includes eight (8) digital issues

eCLArity is the electronic version of the CLArity newsletter. CLArity can be purchased separately.

Number of Years:
.Gift Recipient's Name and Address, if applicable:
..   View Cart
CLArity and eCLArity Combined Subscription

Item # NeNS-1U and # NeNS-2U


  1. U.S. domestic postage costs
  2. One-year subscription includes four (4) print and digital issues
  3. Two-year subscription includes eight (8) print and digital issues

Sent in discreet packaging.

eCLArity is the electronic version of the CLArity newsletter. CLArity can be purchased separately.

Number of Years:
.Gift Recipient's Name and Address, if applicable:
..Prices are valid for U.S.A. destinations only. See our other stores for other destinations.      View Cart
CLArity 2007-2018 Back Issues (printed)

Item # N1U

$3.50 / issue


  1. U.S. domestic postage
  2. One (1) back issue of the CLArity newsletter

CLArity is CLA's printed quarterly newsletter.

New issues are released in March, June, September, and December.

Back Issue (select one):....Prices are valid for U.S.A. destinations only. See our other stores for other destinations.         View Cart
eCLArity 2016-2023 Individual Issues for Immediate Download

Individual Issues of the eCLArity newsletter for 2016 to 2022 are available for immediate download for $2.00 per issue on the Electronic Downloads page.

eCLArity is the electronic version of the CLArity newsletter. CLArity can be purchased separately. New issues are released in March, June, September, and December.

Donation for CLArity

Donation Basket

Item # T2

Help cover CLArity production, publishing, printing, paper, distribution costs. Thanks for your support of our CLArity newsletter.

For donations from individuals:

  1. Click the Add to Cart button.
  2. When the “Your Shopping Cart” page appears, adjust the dollar amount.

For donations from groups:

  1. Fill in Group Making Donation. E.g., “Tue. Phone Meeting” or “Thu. Fresno, CA.”

        Group Making Donation, if applicable:

  1. Click the Add to Cart button below.
  2. When the “Your Shopping Cart” page appears, adjust the dollar amount.

   View Cart

CLA Convention

For information about committee meetings or other questions, please check the Convention Page or email:

CLA Convention CDs

Listen to CLA Convention CD Excerpts:

2015 CLA℠ Convention CD

CLA Convention CD Item # C15-1U $10.00 / CD Includes:

  1. U.S. domestic postage
  2. One (1) 2015 CLA Convention CD of your choice
Disk (select one):Prices are valid for U.S.A. destinations only. See our other stores for other destinations.      View Cart
2015 CLA℠ Convention CDs - Full Set of 11

CLA Convention CD Item # C15-AU $80.00 / Set of 11 CDs Includes:

  1. U.S. domestic postage
  2. Eleven (11) 2015 CLA Convention CDs:
    • Disk 01 – Welcome, Overview, Introductions (Master of Ceremonies – Paul K, CA) and Keynote (Frederick W, NY)
    • Disk 02 – Sponsorship (Lead – Elyse G, CA) (Panel – Carol N, CA; Colleen C, OR; and Patricia S, NY)
    • Disk 03 – Measuring Progress on Our Journey in Recovery (Dody W, PA; Kathy H, CA; & Mary P, NY; Parker, NV)
    • Disk 04 – Writing Session (CLArity – The CLA Newsletter)
    • Disk 05 – Getting Unstuck (Bonnie W, NY)
    • Disk 06 – Decluttering Resentment (Franne M, NY)
    • Disk 07 – CLA Tools of Recovery (Gail S, Australia)
    • Disk 08 – Step Workshop with Meditation (Michele S, MA)
    • Disk 09 – Day 1 Wrap-up, Comments, Etc. (Emcee – Ruthe S, PA; Host – Alison B, NJ) Day 2 Opening & Announcements
    • Disk 10 – Step 4 Workshop and Group Inventory (Martha H, MD)
    • Disk 11 – Handling Stress in the Holiday Season (Leader – LeAnn W, TX)

Prices are valid for U.S.A. destinations only. See our other stores for other destinations.   Add to Cart   View Cart

2019 CLA℠ Convention CD

CLA Convention CD Item # C19-1U $10.00 / CD Includes:

  1. U.S. domestic postage
  2. One (1) 2019 CLA Convention CD of your choice
  3. Note: Recording #08 not available
Disk (select one):Prices are valid for U.S.A. destinations only. See our other stores for other destinations.      View Cart
2019 CLA℠ Convention CDs - Full Set of 10

CLA Convention CD Item # C19-AU $80.00 / Set of 10 CDs Includes:

  1. U.S. domestic postage
  2. Ten (10) 2019 CLA Convention CDs:
    • Disk 01 – Getting Started in Recovery—Carolann B, NY
    • Disk 02 – Abundance Awareness—Terri J., OH
    • Disk 03 – The Magic of Article Writing—Wendy L., IL
    • Disk 04 – Service Panel—Moderator: Caryn S, NJ; Panelists: Alison B, NJ; Dody W, PA; Betsey K, NJ; Kathy H, CA; Mary P, NY; Ruthe S, PA
    • Disk 05 – Attachments—Dody W., PA
    • Disk 06 – Documenting Your Recovery—Mary P., NY
    • Disk 07 – Working the Steps: A Road to Recovery—Various Presenters
    • Disk 09 – Slogans: Urgent Care for Clutterers—Debbie M., NC
    • Disk 10 – Road to Recovery—Rosemary F., NY
    • Disk 11 – Mental or Nonphysical Clutter—Colleen C., OR and Ruthe S., PA
  3. Note: Recording on Disk 08 not available

Prices are valid for U.S.A. destinations only. See our other stores for other destinations.   Add to Cart   View Cart

 To purchase electronic versions (MP3s) of the  Convention Speaker Recordings;  please go to our Electronics Download page.

To order one or more 2014 CLA Convention CDs, you must leave this site and go to Encore Audio Archives.

To view a list of all products above,
click the Print button
near the top right of this page.

Mail Orders
If you prefer to order or donate by U.S. mail, download, print, complete, and mail the appropriate form(s) with your payment. Note: Mail orders take longer to fill than online orders.

Store Policies

Please note the following:
Language:English only
Phone Orders:Not accepted
Returns:All sales are final
Delivery Time (U.S.):two (2) to four (4) weeks
Delivery (Non-US):four (4) weeks
Prices:In U.S. Dollars ($); subject to change without notice

Items may be discontinued without notice.

Clutterers Anonymous World Service Organization, Inc. (CLA WSO) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit  organization.

A.A.®, A.A. Grapevine®, Alcoholics Anonymous®, and The Big Book® are registered trademarks or service marks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.