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There are plenty of ways that you can contribute your time and talent to Clutterers Anonymous℠. Here are some of them.

  1. Help at any meeting
    1. Read our literature aloud ✶
    2. Lead a CLA℠-approved prayer
    3. Share ✶
    4. Serve as spiritual timer ✶
    5. Start a new meeting
    6. Lead a meeting
    7. Run to become the CLA WSO delegate for your meeting
    8. Become a meeting moderator.
  2. Help at face-to-face meetings
    1. Set up or put away the chairs ✶
    2. Set out or put away the literature ✶
    3. Serve as treasurer
    4. Serve as literature chairperson
    5. Bring refreshments, if your meeting does that ✶
  3. Join one of the following CLA Service Committees: CLArity (newsletter), Convention, Finance (budgets), Literature, or Registration (for meetings and delegates)
  4. Run for CLA WSO officer
  5. Help in other ways
    1. Help edit CLArity newsletter articles
    2. Proofread proof issues of CLArity before they go to press
    3. Assist at a Declutterthon
    4. Assist at the Clutter-Free Day
    5. Assist at the CLA Convention

✶ Newcomers welcome