For Friends, Family, and Others Concerned About a Clutterer
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From the “Introducing Clutterers Anonymous℠ to Professionals” leaflet, available in the CLA store

What We Do

Clutterers Anonymous℠:

  • Offers support to those who desire to stop cluttering.

  • Offers a program of recovery from compulsive cluttering, by using the spiritual approach of the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions of CLA℠.

  • Presents a program of attraction, rather than one of promotion.

  • Welcomes new members referred from various legal and court pro­grams, health facilities, and hoarding task forces, as well as self-referrals.

  • Addresses physical clutter, as well as nonphysical forms such as men­tal, emotional, and spiritual.

  • Has a primary purpose of helping people to find recovery from cluttering.

  • Is fully self-supporting through members’ contributions.

  • Supports the court system’s mandates by signing a slip at the end of the meeting showing proof of attendance.

  • Preserves personal anonymity of its members at the level of press, radio, films, television, and all other media.

  • Acknowledges that members may also supplement their recovery program by seeking advice or sup­port from health care and/or other professionals, as well as other fellowships.

  • Provides members with safe and confidential meeting places where they can share their common prob­lem, feelings, and recovery.

  • Serves as an ongoing support sys­tem for recovering clutterers.

What We Don’t Do

Clutterers Anonymous does not:

  • Provide any decluttering, welfare, or so­cial services. (We do not rescue people from problems, such as eviction, resulting from extreme cluttering.)

  • Promote any particular decluttering plan or organizing skills.

  • Charge dues or initiation fees to its members.

  • Engage in or sponsor research or studies.

  • Follow up on its members.

  • Join councils or boards of social agencies.

  • Make medical or psychological diagnoses.

  • Offer any public statements on issues of decluttering, organizing, or hoarding.

  • Provide letters of reference to lawyers, court officials, social agencies, employers, etc.

  • Reveal its members’ names, nor keep attendance records or case histories.

  • Run membership drives.

  • Take a position on outside issues.

  • Affiliate with any other organization, political movement, ideology, or religious doctrine (Although some members may work for outside decluttering organizations, they do not represent CLA.)

  • Divulge what is said in or who attends meetings.


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