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What We Do
Clutterers Anonymous℠:
Offers support to those who desire to stop cluttering.
Offers a program of recovery from compulsive cluttering, by using the spiritual approach of the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions of CLA℠.
Presents a program of attraction, rather than one of promotion.
Welcomes new members referred from various legal and court programs, health facilities, and hoarding task forces, as well as self-referrals.
Addresses physical clutter, as well as nonphysical forms such as mental, emotional, and spiritual.
Has a primary purpose of helping people to find recovery from cluttering.
Is fully self-supporting through members’ contributions.
Supports the court system’s mandates by signing a slip at the end of the meeting showing proof of attendance.
Preserves personal anonymity of its members at the level of press, radio, films, television, and all other media.
Acknowledges that members may also supplement their recovery program by seeking advice or support from health care and/or other professionals, as well as other fellowships.
Provides members with safe and confidential meeting places where they can share their common problem, feelings, and recovery.
Serves as an ongoing support system for recovering clutterers.
What We Don’t Do
Clutterers Anonymous does not:
Provide any decluttering, welfare, or social services. (We do not rescue people from problems, such as eviction, resulting from extreme cluttering.)
Promote any particular decluttering plan or organizing skills.
Charge dues or initiation fees to its members.
Engage in or sponsor research or studies.
Follow up on its members.
Join councils or boards of social agencies.
Make medical or psychological diagnoses.
Offer any public statements on issues of decluttering, organizing, or hoarding.
Provide letters of reference to lawyers, court officials, social agencies, employers, etc.
Reveal its members’ names, nor keep attendance records or case histories.
Run membership drives.
Take a position on outside issues.
Affiliate with any other organization, political movement, ideology, or religious doctrine (Although some members may work for outside decluttering organizations, they do not represent CLA.)
Divulge what is said in or who attends meetings.
Other Related Links
- To the Professional page
- CLA store where you can buy the “Introducing Clutterers Anonymous℠ to Professionals” leaflet