Here are some guidelines to help the meetings run smoothly.

  1. Even though the phone bridge tells you to announce yourself when you join the line, PLEASE DO NOT ANNOUNCE YOURSELF.

  2. If you hear music, you are the only participant in the conference, i.e., the only person on the line.

  3. Depending on the phone line, to mute, press the ✶ (star) 6 keys or ✶ 1 keys on your phone pad and you will hear a prompt saying, “you are now muted.” When you want to speak, unmute as directed by the conference company. You will hear a prompt saying, “you are now unmuted”.

  4. Please mute your line whenever you are not speaking. This will prevent background noise from disrupting the meeting and ensure the best sound quality during the call.

  5. When unmuting your phone, avoid interrupting by carefully listening for a second or two after pressing the keys to allow time to hear if anyone else has already begun speaking.

  6. If there is an echo, static or other interference on the line please double check that you have your phone muted.

  7. Refrain from using headsets, speakers, cordless phones, etc., as they can create static or echo on your conference calls.

  8. Make conference calls from quiet locations with few or no distractions. Give the conference call your undivided attention. We all want to get the most out of our time together.

  9. We ask everyone to be courteous at all times, to speak politely, and to show respect of all others on our phone bridge.

  10. Please follow the leader’s lead. Ask to be recognized by the leader before sharing or speaking. We do not directly address others to avoid crosstalk and to allow for calm, peaceful order on the line at all times.

  11. Signal the leader when you have completed your comment by saying a word or two like “Pass,” “I’m done,”  “Thank you,” or “I’m going to mute my phone.”

Phone Protocol and Procedure

  1. Email an agenda ahead of time to the delegates. List the amount of time for each item. Get contact information at the beginning of the meeting for anyone chair or secretary does not have. The agenda should have an item, “Is there anything else to be added to the agenda?”

  2. Read the agenda with the allotted time per item so that anyone who does not receive an agenda knows what items are being discussed during the time of the meeting. Include stating, “Is there anything else to be added to the agenda?”

  3. When the phone group begins, ask for a timekeeper who will agree to announce when 2 Minutes are up. The chair should wait until there is someone willing to do this before continuing.

  4. Ask for a secretary to take minutes. The chair should wait until there is someone willing to do this before continuing.

  5. Review each time the basic procedures for this meeting.

    1. People are to address the chair and wait until the chair acknowledges the person to start speaking.

    2. The topic on the agenda in the order listed on the agenda is to be addressed.

    3. People are to listen respectfully without interrupting while another talks within the allotted time.

    4. People are to listen and comment respectfully. No one should directly address someone else by calling them names or using profanity at them.

    5. Violations will result in the chair using the dashboard to stop access of the CLA℠ phone lines for name calling, directing profanity at another CLA member, repeated interrupting after being warned to stop, or repeated introduction of a topic not on the agenda after the agenda has been agreed upon at the start of a meeting.

We request that all members adhere to our Code of Conduct.