We suggest that you obtain a CLA℠ Meeting Starter Kit in one of the following ways:

  • Download free pages
  • Purchase printed readings and formats, and an initial supply of recovery literature

Learn about our program by reading CLA literature available from our CLA store. Try to attend CLA or other 12-Step meetings. They may be D.A., O.A., or A.A.® (which means Debtors, Overeaters, and Alcoholics Anonymous).

Find someone to work with you, if possible. It is easier to start a meeting if two or three people are willing to commit to attending regularly for about six months. It is important that the founder(s) take their commitment seriously. When newcomers show up, they need to find the meeting. Putting up signs and directions at the location helps direct people to the room you use.

Attracting Members

  • Make announcements at other CLA meetings and at other 12-Step programs: A.A., D.A., O.A., etc.
  • Display flyers in public places, such as libraries, churches, temples, schools (high schools and colleges), markets (local, small, supermarkets, health food stores), bulletin boards, hospitals, banks, senior centers, and 12-Step meeting places.
  • Contact local media and place free announcements. Be sure to follow the guidelines of Tradition 11.
  • Register with the closest self-help clearinghouse often listed in the yellow pages.
  • Inform local intergroups of other 12-Step programs, such as A.A., D.A., O.A., Al-Anon. Others to notify, if possible, are organizers, therapists, health departments, and fire departments.
  • Get free listings in the small, local weekly newspapers, under 12-Step support groups.

Meeting Space
Good places include churches of all denominations, temples, schools, hospitals, libraries, banks, public service and/or senior service centers, etc.— especially ones that rent to other 12-Step groups. Try to be listed in the organization’s bulletin. Ask what is required regarding rent, key arrangements, insurance, etc. Meetings may also be started in the home of a brave CLA member!

After your meeting is underway, elect officers, such as secretary, treasurer, etc. The treasurer should report monthly on income from contributions and literature donations and expenses, such as rent. Your meeting should maintain a prudent reserve of two months’ rental fees.

7th Tradition
This is whatever donations are left over, after the common two-month rental fee prudent reserve. These contributions are sent to either WSO or CLA-East (184 South Livingston Avenue, Suite 9-203, Livingston, NJ 07039). Suggested donations for those east of the Mississippi are 60% for CLA East and 40% for WSO. For those west of the Mississippi, WSO might get what is left over. These contributions help to keep CLA in operation and to pay for the website, phone service, printing of literature and meeting lists, postage, production of events, and paying rent.

Speakers & Leaders
Speakers and leaders are CLA members who share their CLA recovery

CLA World Service
Register with CLA WSO, and mail us any changes in your contact person or meeting information. We will make referrals to you from all newcomer inquiries from the website, phone, mail, email, etc., as well as from those who are traveling and/or seeking to start a group.

Reach Out
If there are no other CLA meetings in your area, arrange to share letters or tapes with other CLA groups across the country. WSO can furnish contact names and addresses.

Enjoy the Process
Share the work as much as possible. Call on WSO for help. Good luck!
This page comes from the CLA Meeting Starter Kit page revised on 5/13/14.

A.A. is a registered trademark of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.

For Questions and Support
Contact Us.
For Changes or Additions
To add, change, register, and cancel meetings and activity sessions, click here.


We suggest that you obtain a CLA℠ Meeting Starter Kit in one of the following ways:

  • Download free pages
  • Purchase printed readings and formats, and an initial supply of recovery literature

Learn about our program by reading CLA literature available from our CLA store. Try to attend CLA or other 12-Step meetings. They may be D.A., O.A., or A.A.® (which means Debtors, Overeaters, and Alcoholics Anonymous).

Find someone to work with you, if possible. It is easier to start a meeting if two or three people are willing to commit to attending regularly for about six months. It is important that the founder(s) take their commitment seriously. When newcomers show up, they need to find the meeting. Putting up signs and directions at the location helps direct people to the room you use.

Attracting Members

  • Make announcements at other CLA meetings and at other 12-Step programs: A.A., D.A., O.A., etc.
  • Display flyers in public places, such as libraries, churches, temples, schools (high schools and colleges), markets (local, small, supermarkets, health food stores), bulletin boards, hospitals, banks, senior centers, and 12-Step meeting places.
  • Contact local media and place free announcements. Be sure to follow the guidelines of Tradition 11.
  • Register with the closest self-help clearinghouse often listed in the yellow pages.
  • Inform local intergroups of other 12-Step programs, such as A.A., D.A., O.A., Al-Anon. Others to notify, if possible, are organizers, therapists, health departments, and fire departments.
  • Get free listings in the small, local weekly newspapers, under 12-Step support groups.

Meeting Space
Good places include churches of all denominations, temples, schools, hospitals, libraries, banks, public service and/or senior service centers, etc.— especially ones that rent to other 12-Step groups. Try to be listed in the organization’s bulletin. Ask what is required regarding rent, key arrangements, insurance, etc. Meetings may also be started in the home of a brave CLA member!

After your meeting is underway, elect officers, such as secretary, treasurer, etc. The treasurer should report monthly on income from contributions and literature donations and expenses, such as rent. Your meeting should maintain a prudent reserve of two months’ rental fees.

7th Tradition
This is whatever donations are left over, after the common two-month rental fee prudent reserve. These contributions are sent to either WSO or CLA-East (184 South Livingston Avenue, Suite 9-203, Livingston, NJ 07039). Suggested donations for those east of the Mississippi are 60% for CLA East and 40% for WSO. For those west of the Mississippi, WSO might get what is left over. These contributions help to keep CLA in operation and to pay for the website, phone service, printing of literature and meeting lists, postage, production of events, and paying rent.

Speakers & Leaders
Speakers and leaders are CLA members who share their CLA recovery

CLA World Service
Register with CLA WSO, and mail us any changes in your contact person or meeting information. We will make referrals to you from all newcomer inquiries from the website, phone, mail, email, etc., as well as from those who are traveling and/or seeking to start a group.

Reach Out
If there are no other CLA meetings in your area, arrange to share letters or tapes with other CLA groups across the country. WSO can furnish contact names and addresses.

Enjoy the Process
Share the work as much as possible. Call on WSO for help. Good luck!
This page comes from the CLA Meeting Starter Kit page revised on 5/13/14.

A.A. is a registered trademark of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.