We hope that the following sequence will help you get the most out of Clutterers Anonymous℠ (CLA℠).
- Read the pages on our website under the “About” menu and check “Fellowship Announcements” for upcoming events.
- Read our literature, in particular our 28-page Is CLA for You? A Newcomer’s Guide to Recovery booklet. (See below for free literature)
- Attend our meetings. Our FAQs tell you what to expect. Try to listen with an open mind, ask questions during the newcomer part of the meeting (if there is one) or outside the meeting, get and use recovering members’ phone numbers.
- We offer about 46 face-to-face meetings in two countries.
- We also offer at least one phone meeting per day. Any phone meetings that mention CLA literature are great starting points.
- Work the 12 Steps and apply the 12 Traditions, either with a CLA sponsor (1) or at meetings.
- Pray to a Higher Power, a power greater than yourself. We each choose how to define Higher Power. You can be an agnostic or atheist and still benefit from CLA.
- Motivate yourself with recovery affirmations.
- Work with phone activity sessions and/or buddies (2) for help with commitments, focused action, and/or release victories.
- Familiarize yourself with our valuable “Tools of Recovery.”
- Read our CLArity (or eCLArity) newsletter.
- Serve CLA by volunteering.
1 Sponsor: The CLA sponsor guides the sponsee/member through the program and the 12 Steps and is not necessarily a friend, but someone in whom we can confide.
2 Buddies: Buddies are CLA members and helpmates in recovery. We may call buddies with our daily plan, or ask for help with a project.
Free CLA Recovery Literature: Electronic Version
Download for personal use – may not be altered or sold.

One free download for online viewing of Welcome (dark yellow) leaflet
This leaflet has a questionnaire on How Do I Know If I Am a Clutterer? It also explains how Clutterers Anonymous got started and what it has to offer you.
Item # L08DU

.One free download for online viewing of A Brief Guide (blue) leaflet
This leaflet contains some of the core literature used in Clutterers Anonymous℠: Preamble, How Do I Know If I Am a Clutterer?, Tools of Recovery, The 12 Steps, and The 12 Traditions.
Item # L01DU

We are happy to share this CLA Meeting Starter Kit packet with you. This should provide you with all of the materials that are needed to form your new group.
We welcome you into the Fellowship of Clutterers Anonymous. We hope that you will find in this program the friendship, encouragement, and support that you need in your recovery.
Your group is welcome to join CLA and be listed in the CLA Meeting Directory. The only constraint is that your meeting is conducted in keeping with the Clutterers Anonymous 12 Steps and 12 Traditions and is, therefore, not for profit. We feel that by following them we can all achieve recovery and finally break the tie that binds our cluttering habits to us.
Thank you for your willingness to join us on the journey!
To buy one or more downloadable or printed leaflets, our Newcomer’s Guide booklet, Sponsorship booklet, and CDs, go to our CLA Store.