By being active or giving service in CLA, you can develop new skills and friendships, participate in and keep abreast of developments in CLA℠, the CLA-East Intergroup, the CLA Telephone Intergroup, and CLA WSO (Clutterers Anonymous World Service Organization, Inc.).”The CLA℠ program gives us the opportunity to enhance our own progress by taking on various service responsibilities, from holding office to doing cleanup. As we serve, we risk moving out of isolation, to grow, and to practice the principles of our program within the fellowship. Service is giving back to the fellowship,” states our first Tool of Recovery.

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Member Opportunities

Keep up-to-date about late-breaking CLA news and events

For example:

Donate to ensure that CLA continues to be here for you and other clutterers

How Donations Are Used:

  • Literature
  • Printing
  • Meeting Starter Kits
  • Meeting Directories
  • CD Duplications
  • Website
  • Web Master
  • Phone Cards
  • Phone Service
  • Postage
  • Post Office Box Rental
  • 501(c)3 Annual Filing
  • Incorporation Fees
  • Regional Events
  • Various Office Supplies
Join a CLA service committee

On a service committee you might:

Run for WSO delegate

As WSO delegate, you would vote your group's conscience at WSO business meetings.

Run for Intergroup delegate

As an Intergroup delegate, you would vote your group's conscience at CLA-East Intergroup business meetings (if applicable).

Run for CLA WSO officer

Depending on the office, as a CLA WSO officer, you might:

  • Handle financial and legal aspects of CLA
  • Answer phone or email inquiries from clutterers, their friends, and family
  • Respond to public information requests by the press
  • Write and disseminate the minutes and agendas for WSO business meetings and Executive Committee meetings
  • Inventory, replenish, and mail out literature requests (currently from Cary, NC and St. Petersburg, FL)