Use the forms below to register, make changes to, and cancel face-to-face meetings, phone meetings, or Zoom meetings. See instructions for submitting these documents lower on this page. Click a document name to open it:


1. Download the Clutterers Anonymous℠ Group Registration Form. You can fill it out in your computer or mobile device, or you can print it on paper.

2. If completing the form on paper, please type or print your responses clearly. Then scan it in to your device.

3. Email the form as an attachment to Group Registration OR mail to CLA WSO, 184 South Livingston Avenue, Suite 9-203, Livingston, NJ 07039.

4. Keep a copy for your records.


Meetings (Groups) register in order to:

  • Appear on our online and printed Meeting Directory, a comprehensive list of registered face-to-face meetings throughout the world and phone and Zoom meetings
  • Help carry the message of recovery to individuals seeking current and accurate Clutterers Anonymous (CLA) meeting information
  • Receive information from CLA
  • Identify themselves as 12-Step, 12-Tradition meetings affiliated with CLA
  • Provide a channel to make their group conscience known to the Fellowship as a whole
  • Serve as the roster of groups who may send voting delegates to the World Service Organization (WSO)
  • Participate in the collective conscience of the group membership
  • Participate in, or vote at, WSO General Meetings, where issues of literature, policy, and planning are decided by the Fellowship, using group conscience

Click here to register as a WSO delegate.





For Questions and Support
Contact Us.

Use the forms below to register, make changes to, and cancel face-to-face meetings, phone meetings, or Zoom meetings. See instructions for submitting these documents lower on this page. Click a document name to open it:


  1. Print the Clutterers Anonymous℠ Group Registration Form.
  2. Type or print your responses clearly.
  3. Scan and email the form as an attachment to Group Registration OR mail to CLA WSO, 184 South Livingston Avenue, Suite 9-203, Livingston, NJ 07039.
  4. Keep a copy for your records.


Meetings (Groups) register in order to:

  • Appear on our online and printed Meeting Directory, a comprehensive list of registered face-to-face meetings throughout the world and phone and Zoom meetings
  • Help carry the message of recovery to individuals seeking current and accurate Clutterers Anonymous (CLA) meeting information
  • Receive information from CLA
  • Identify themselves as 12-Step, 12-Tradition meetings affiliated with CLA
  • Provide a channel to make their group conscience known to the Fellowship as a whole
  • Serve as the roster of groups who may send voting delegates to the World Service Organization (WSO)
  • Participate in the collective conscience of the group membership
  • Participate in, or vote at, WSO General Meetings, where issues of literature, policy, and planning are decided by the Fellowship, using group conscience

Click here to register as a WSO delegate.